ellie slee
The bloody cheek of the tampon tax
A reading list for Durham University’s anti-feminists
I don’t care about the artistic output of abusive men
Sore about your prostate? Don’t blame breast cancer
Kanye West’s debut at PFW: Why it’s so bad
I want to be in Corbyn’s carriage
Fear and loathing at the self checkout
An open letter to a typical bloke
Talking to women: there’s a time and a place
Beyoncé must have her feminist cake and eat it, too
British pensioners: please keep heckling
I’m not a sweetie, so I’m bitter
If women are cunts, what does that make you?
Let’s bring back national service... sort of
Counting the cost of Gove’s educational reforms
Orange is the New Black: the men would like their TV back please
Your makeup-free breast cancer selfie is a big patriarchal problem
To Dalston. Thank you, from Dalston