Ellie Slee: Writer & Editor
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︎ About Ellie
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Selected Reading
(Creative non-fiction) Eggs Quarantine
(Essay) Magic, Grief & Sickness
(Long read) Misogyny and the epidural: a primer
(Essay) Killer Bumps: Pregnancy as Body Horror
(Feature) Women are erased from urban planning. At most, it costs us our lives
(Feature) Three women on the emotional labour they take on at Christmas
(Script) Regina George: The Psychology of a Dictator
(Script) Megan from Bridesmaids: Why it’s so hard to make friends as an adult
(Journal article) Femininity and Costume in 1930s Horror
(Script) Hollywood tropes: The ‘Crazy’ Woman
(Creative non-fiction) Four years ago, I left my friends behind. Quarantine is bringing us back together
(Feature) Stop asking me when I’m going to have a second baby
(Script) Pam Beesly: The perils of being normal
(Script) Angela: A guide to cat people